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What Hunters Need to Know About Altitude Sickness - Hunting Note

What Hunters Need to Know About Altitude Sickness

Many of us like to hunt at high altitudes from time to time. However, while doing so, one has to consider the different sicknesses that may happen while hunting at these heights out there. It will be possible to avoid these illnesses by comprehending what exactly to search for and how to get yourself prepared for hunting at these altitudes.

In fact, high altitude sickness is the effect of low oxygen levels in the atmosphere which can result in reduced oxygen levels in our bloodstream in the long run. Our primary objective will be to minimize the risk of any sickness that can happen because of altitude. In this article, we have mentioned what hunters need to know about altitude sickness.

Be prepared

Weather can fluctuate very quickly in hilly conditions along with turbulent storms as well. In fact, everything can be covered with snow within just 2 hours. It will be desirable to be prepared for all weather types including cold, wet, hot, and dry.

Always make it a point to bring appropriate clothing as well as camping gear. Moreover, if you happen to be a person who is coming from a lower altitude, it will be a smarter idea to stay at these types of temperatures for a few days so as to become acclimatized to the higher elevations.

There is a possibility for heavy snowfall in the month of September. As a result, it is of prime importance for the high-altitude hunters who have to walk in the wilderness to keep track of the weather conditions very closely from time to time. They must likewise figure out the escape routes prior to selecting a campsite given that snow might make the trails impossible to pass or it might even destroy them.

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Refrain from going alone

It is recommended by the experts that one must not venture out into the wilderness on their own. It will be extremely difficult to go for self-rescue operations in the wilderness in case these types of unwanted accidents happen. Learning how to use a compass is very important in this case and also, inform your companions where you are heading to and when you would like to come back.

Take a survival kit along with you and also know how to make use of it. This kit must include a compass, waterproof matches, a knife, fire starter, high-energy food items, survival blanket, water purification pills, whistle, as well as a signal mirror too.

In case you become lost, the best thing will be to sit down, calm yourself, and think of how to overcome the situation. There have been several incidents when people were lost and they came back to their camps after a couple of days spent in the wilderness.

According to the experts, survival means 80% attitude, 10% knowledge and expertise, and the remaining 10% of the equipment.

In case you’re in the middle of a storm and have to spend the night in the wilderness, there are 3 ways to survive: fire, shelter, and signal. Let us see these 3 one by one.


In case you don’t have any idea regarding your camp, then shelter will be your first priority. Even though you do not have anything going your way, a shelter which is rather warm and comfortable will do a world of good for you. At least you will remain alive till you can be found out the rescuers out there.

This implies that you can take shelter anywhere ranging from a cave to an overhanging rock shelf. Whenever possible build a shelter while making your cushioning from the cut branches all the Evergreen trees out there.

The attire

It will be a sensible idea to become dressed in layers and you should also bring additional stuff along with you. These layers have to be put on prior to becoming chilled so that you can take out a layer in case you start getting damp due to excessive sweating. Try not to wear anything made of cotton since there is a possibility for cotton to become wet very easily and it is also quite tough to dry.

Make it a point to take a top-quality stocking cap along with you which has been manufactured from any synthetic or woolen material. This will help you to lose as much as 40% of the heat around the neck, head, and shoulders.

Apart from this, also make use of water-resistant shoes, synthetic or woolen socks, and do not forget to put on gloves as well.


In case you have no other way but to stay out the whole night in the wilderness, fire is going to be your top priority to have at your disposal. It will be imperative to know how to make a fire even in snowy or moist conditions. For this reason, remember to carry along with you metal matches, a lighter or wooden matches within water-resistant containers.

There should also be a fire starter along with these like cotton or steel wool which have been saturated with alcohol and paint thinner. You’ll find fire starters at various camping stores out there.


Signaling is going to be the other priority which can be done with the help of fire flames (at night) or smoke (in the daytime).

Carry food items

It will be possible to remain alive without eating anything at all for as many as 3 to 4 weeks. However, you need to be more alert and also efficient and you must have the provisions to satisfy yourself in case you become hungry in the wilderness. Therefore, make it a point to always carry some high-energy food items along with you while you are going hunting at high altitudes.

Another thing to consider will be water because our body requires approximately 3 quarts of water every single day. Water will help to keep us hydrated and you must also bring iodine tablets along with you in case you need to drink water from the streams or any other natural water source.

Altitude sickness

There are several different types of altitude sickness for the hunters which may consist of fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, as well as appetite loss. To avoid these types of conditions, it will be a good idea to restrict your alcohol consumption and drink plenty of water as well. Remaining hydrated will minimize your chances of getting these types of sickness while you are on a hunt at higher altitudes.


We like to conclude this article by asserting that always leave proper information at your residence regarding where you are going for hunting and also when you will be returning. Preparing beforehand will save you from lots of headaches in the future!

About the Author

I'm Rodney Heaton and I love hunting in the wild. In the past, I was in the military for over 5 years. After that I became a licensed hunter and a mountain guide.