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Fishing Archives - Hunting Note

Category Archives for "Fishing"

Bowfishing Rigs Have What Type of Arrow Point?

When selecting your point, there are a few considerations you must keep in mind when making your selection. First and foremost is fitting type and size appropriately. Fish points are designed to penetrate a fish’s scales and hold it while reeling it in. They feature strong barbs for secure gripping but can easily be unscrewed […]

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How to Fizz a Bass Without a Needle

Many anglers avoid fizzing bass out of fear that doing so may injure or reduce its chance of survival; although this could be true if fizzing is performed incorrectly, this typically is not the case in most instances. When bass are quickly pulled from deep waters, their swim bladders fill with air quickly, leading to […]

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5 Tips for Planning a Fishing Trip

Going on a fishing trip is the ideal vacation for avid anglers. If you’re a fan of fishing, there’s probably nothing you find more relaxing and enjoyable than a few days spent fishing with your friends and family. But whether you’re planning a day trip for some ocean fishing or a week-long camping trip near […]

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How to Spool a Spinning Reel 

How to Pick the Best Fishing Line for Your Spinning Reel  Using monofilament or braid fishing line is the cheapest choice, but they are also less abrasion-resistant than braid. Mono lines are less likely to stretch out of a fish’s mouth, so they are a good option for catching smaller species. However, they do not […]

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How to Motorize Your Fishing Kayak 

How do you motorize a kayak?  One way to motorize a kayak is to add a small electric motor. The best way to do this is to purchase a compact jet-motor, which is about the size of a football. It is powered by a lithium-ion battery and features a small propeller. The speed can be […]

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Best Techniques to Ensure a Successful SUP Fishing Trip

Have you ever wondered about, What can be more fun than fishing? Well, here is an answer, SUP fishing! The watersport of SUPing is growing fast. This growth has spread out and influenced the angler society too. After all, fishing becomes way more exciting when it combines with Stand Up paddleboarding. In this article, we […]

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Which Type of Kayak is Best For Fishing?

Whether you are a pro or a beginner into kayak fishing there is something to suit all types of users. Before choosing the best kayak for fishing several points should be considered for the best results. Factors such as the place you would want to go fishing determine the type of kayak. There are small […]

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It’s Time to Fish: 5 Common Types of Fish in Hawaii

For many people, Hawaii is the place to go to see a huge variety of wildlife. If you’re traveling there, you can expect to see dolphins, birds, sea turtles, and of course, hundreds of different types of fish. But when you’re a fisher trying to plan a trip, all of that diversity can seem overwhelming. […]

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