Deer driving can be a dangerous activity that could result in injuries and property damage. Furthermore, in some areas it’s illegal – yet used responsibly it could prove valuable as an effective tool.
Deer drives involve one group of hunters acting as posters and another group as drivers. A drivemaster familiar with both terrain and deer behavior sets the timetable and signals when and how long the drive should last.
It’s a form of hunting
Deer driving is a popular and effective hunting technique used by hunters of all levels and skill levels. Although some may consider it dangerous, deer driving offers hunters an effective way to see game and harvest it. Deer driving teams or small groups of hunters often employ this strategy: hunters take positions along the edge of cover while drivers walk through pushing deer in the direction of posters who then shoot at the deer; this approach works especially well in areas with plenty of hiding game such as open fields or wooded mountains.
At one time, deer drives were conducted by entire communities using noise to drive deer into open fields. Now however, hunters tend to conduct drives more quietly by using natural deer behavior to draw deer into view – such as using scent to attract them – rather than creating noise to drive them away. Drivers should walk at a consistent pace and remain within eyeshot of one another in order to remain safe, using suitable equipment so as to not disturb the deer too greatly.
Some areas of whitetail country simply aren’t conducive to deer driving. Vast pine plantations in the South or New England’s wooded mountains may be too big for just a few hunters to manage on their own; though if care is taken to make minimal noise and stick with an established route they may still manage it successfully.
Once the deer are forced from their bedding areas, drivers should move slowly through cover. Any loud noises may spook the animals. Furthermore, drivers must remain mindful of wind direction and scent – it would be ideal to position themselves upwind from them so their scent does not affect them directly. Furthermore, drivers should have some form of “all safe” signal for safety announcement.
After their drive is complete, all hunters should gather together and compare notes on how many deer were seen and whether or not their plan worked as expected. Furthermore, they should discuss any changes they wish to implement for future drives.
It’s a great way to see deer
Deer drives may provide the ideal way to see deer without spending hours sitting still on your stand all day, offering new perspectives and taking the boredom out of hunting deer. Deer drives typically take place during fall hunting seasons and involve groups of hunters splitting into two separate groups: posters (those who stand still along the edge of game cover), while drivers walk through pushing deer forward or to the sides; shooting may then occur between these groups, often with posters shooting any that come out from hiding while drivers get shots off themselves as well.
Deer drives can be an enjoyable way to view lots of deer, as well as provide plenty of chances for picture taking and excitement. But it is essential that hunters remain cognizant of any risks involved with this form of hunting; wearing fluorescent orange will keep you more visible, and be especially cautious between dawn and dusk when deer are most active. Ensure that you stay on the center line and limit distractions like cell phones or food.
If you come upon a deer on the road, do not try to swerve to avoid it; doing so could cause your vehicle to flip over or go off-road. Instead, hit it as hard as possible as this will reduce chances of serious injuries and decrease chance of flipping your vehicle over.
If you’re not able to hit a deer with your vehicle, sound your horn and switch on hazard lights. Or use a whistle device with high-pitched noise that will disorient or scare away deer – this strategy is particularly helpful on slippery roads.
It’s a fun activity
Deer drives can be an ideal way to spot plenty of deer and possibly bag yourself an impressive trophy buck, but their success depends on careful organization and an in-depth knowledge of the terrain. Successful drives require excellent communication among participants as well as teamwork; each person should understand his or her role and how it fits into the overall plan. Modern technology such as maps and hunting apps should also be utilized; these assist with accurate map navigation as well as time keeping. Moreover, each hunter should carry their cell phone for communication purposes as well as checking on progress of plans being followed closely.
When planning a deer drive, be sure to choose a location with ample cover for standers. Bucks often hide in thick cover, making it hard for standers to see them. Also important is selecting an area with natural funnels or pinch points between covers; this way they may come out from hiding into view of standers more quickly.
Step one in successfully driving deer involves selecting your hunters and their roles. Standing hunters may serve as drivers while others will act as standers armed with shotguns loaded with buckshot – something two hunters may do if necessary. A large group is more effective. Once deer are moved from hiding to the standers equipped with shotguns loaded with buckshot, their movements will push the animal out from its hiding spots toward those equipped with shotguns loaded with buckshot.
Drivers should use a whistle rather than their horn to scare away animals from the roadway and reduce collision risk. Drivers can also signal other motorists about deer on the road using bright or flashing lights to alert them that there is one present.
At dusk and dawn when deer activity peaks, drivers should slow down and remove distractions while driving to reduce risk. Seat belt use should also be required of passengers as this helps lower risks associated with accidents that involve deer. Finally, drivers should remain alert for signs warning of wildlife crossings or indicate an area where deer are known to cross roads.
It’s dangerous
Deer-car collisions can be more than annoying; they’re potentially deadly for drivers and their passengers alike. Each year, collisions between deer and cars cause hundreds of deaths, thousands of injuries, and billions in vehicle damage; though usually hitting deers won’t result in fatalities among car occupants, taking extra precautionary steps when traveling through deer country remains crucial for everyone’s wellbeing.
At dusk and dawn, deer activity increases significantly, increasing their likelihood of wandering onto roads. When driving at night, use high beams to help detect eyeshine of deer crossing the road and be cautious if any make an appearance on your journey. Also remember that deer tend to travel in groups and you might see several at once; so if you spot one nearby it may well be another spotted nearby as well.
If you come upon a deer on the road, take caution by applying firm and gradual brakes while remaining within your lane. Swerving can be both hazardous to yourself and other drivers on the road; it’s difficult to predict how other cars will react if you swerve in order to avoid hitting it; many deer-car collisions occur when drivers attempt to avoid an animal only to crash into oncoming traffic or other obstacles instead.
Consider Utilizing a Thermal Camera
The key to avoiding deer-vehicle collisions is paying close attention to the road and looking out for signs of deer. A thermal camera is a useful way to do this as it gives you early notice before deer appear in close proximity, giving you extra time to evade potential dangers.
At all times, it’s advisable to remain aware and look out for potential deer crossings; but especially during mating season and at night when deer are most likely on the roads. If you hit one, turn off your engine immediately and put on your hazard lights immediately if safe, call the police, as well as calling the Department of Transportation as soon as possible if possible.