Mock scrapes are deer signs you create yourself to influence their movement patterns and draw them nearer to a hunting location or trail camera site.
Mock scrapes can serve many functions, but most importantly they can assist in hunting your property more efficiently.
Mock scrapes can help change deer movement patterns and draw them towards hunting locations or trail camera sites more effectively. They should ideally be located near intersections of trails, pinch points, staging areas, food source edges or near isolated water sources or bedding areas.
An ideal mock scrape should be placed in an area that attracts mature bucks naturally; that way they may investigate it on their own and begin using it like they would their natural scrape.
Once you have located an appropriate location, the next step should be making your mock scrape appear real through visual presentation, scents and timing.
Start by excavating at least a two to three foot diameter circle with dirt using a stick or rake, and placing some commercial lures or scents atop that exposed soil for more realistic effects.
This step is necessary for multiple reasons. First, it can help deer locate your mock scrape if they come from one direction; secondly, sniffing out your scents will encourage them to stay put at the scrape for extended periods.
Your scrape should also feature a licking branch for deer to recognize, as bucks often rub their antlers against it when making scrapes and also use this feature as a means of communicating between deer.
Tie or cut and tie directly into a tree an appropriate-height licking branch for your mock scrape if there is none nearby that fits perfectly; this method works great if finding suitable branches proves challenging.
Once you’ve established a licking branch, it is crucial that you select a species appropriate tree species for your mock scrape. Selecting the right tree will give it more natural feel while appearing less artificial; so keep this in mind when choosing your mock scrape.
Visual Presentation
Visual presentations are an integral component of conveying information to audiences, helping them better comprehend the material being discussed and inspiring them to take action. But using visuals alone won’t suffice – you must know how to effectively present them for them to have maximum effectiveness.
One of the best ways to enhance a presentation is with data visualizations. They’re especially beneficial if you need to present information in a way that’s easily understandable or when conveying complex data that would otherwise be difficult to communicate through text alone.
Photos and videos can help your audience better grasp the information you’re conveying while saving you time from having to write out numerous words in presentation slides.
When selecting the type of visual presentation to use, it is essential that you consider its tone and purpose. Select one which will complement rather than overshadow your message.
Images and videos related to your topic should also be selected carefully. When giving a speech about an important subject, choose images that support what you want to communicate or demonstrate how a specific process works.
Once you’ve selected visuals, it’s time to locate and set up the mock scrape in an appropriate location. Preferably near food plot corners or along trails that lead to food sources.
Make sure your mock scrape is close enough to a tree for deer to access it easily, such as cutting a maple branch to height, tying it securely around its trunk or hanging it above your mock scrape.
Positioning the licking branch correctly is of equal importance, as deer will come in contact with it upon entering a scrape. Aim to place it four to five feet off of the ground at an appropriate height so buck can reach it and lick away on it easily.
A mock scrape is an effective way of setting out scents in areas deer are likely to frequent and is one of the best methods of attracting bucks within bow range. Though typically employed during fall when coaxing does into heat, scrapes can also serve as a highly efficient buck-attracting strategy during any other time of year.
To create a fake scrape, locate an existing or create a new scrape in a similar area and make it seem active by spraying various scents – from urine, doe estrus scent or food scent such as venison or pork – into it. This should create the effect that something is occurring there.
Some hunters will also add some tarsal gland scent into the scrape to replicate what a buck leaves behind when making his scrape, mimicking what happens naturally along rub lines and in bedding areas when urinating over his tarsal glands to make a natural scrape. This method allows hunters to easily create realistic scrapes where bucks leave behind natural scrapes.
Another effective method for creating an impostor scrape is using interdigital glands on a deer’s foot soles as another way of imitating what a deer might use when making his scrape. These glands produce an aroma similar to expired dairy product and make an excellent way of imitating what the deer might rubbed onto his branch during scraping activity.
Interdigital glands are located between each toe on a deer’s feet, so with each step they take, each step a buck leaves behind some scent that allows other bucks to follow in his footsteps and smell his presence. This also makes it easy for other bucks to follow in their footsteps and detect what scent has been left behind from him and follow in his wake.
Bone Collector Clothing and Old Dominion both carry scent elimination clothing that’s designed to prevent its odor from seeping into nearby areas and hunting over it, so the hunt doesn’t spread into nearby spaces. They feature lightweight yet comfortable rubber boots which provide essential scent protection during scrape-creation and hunting activities.
Before creating a scrape, always use scent-eliminating soap and rinse your hands off thoroughly with water afterwards. Additionally, put on latex gloves and pre-washed clothing which has no foul odors before starting work on any scrapes you create in the field – this will prevent contamination of scrapes created in the field and give you an opportunity to draw in more money to your site!
Mock scrapes have become an essential element of modern deer hunting. Although these tools help attract and hold deer, some hunters feel that mock scrapes may be overrated or underutilized while others believe they’re essential for successful hunting experiences.
An ideal mock scrape should be located close to food sources and easily visible from a distance by whitetail deer. An overhanging licking branch with an exposed spot under can easily attract their attention, providing them with food resources nearby.
As another strategy to increase the effectiveness of mock scrapes, place them near convenient travel routes for whitetail deer such as pinch points or trail intersections. Bucks love to scrape at field edges or areas where two cover types meet so placing one here will bring deer closer.
Create a community scrape, an area in which all deer in an area interact and socialise. These can be placed at the end of a field or near thermal hubs – points where multiple drainages meet – as both can attract deer to these spots.
As a general guideline, it’s best to avoid creating mock scrapes in areas of heavy cover such as thick brush. Deer may not visit these mock scrapes as often and therefore they won’t receive sufficient attention for effective hunting.
To create an effective mock scrape, look for trees within bow range that have branches hanging four to five feet off of the ground. Remove all debris under these branches before spreading some deer attractant into the dirt beneath them.
Once the scrape is constructed, use a trail camera to monitor activity around it and identify which deer are most active versus any who may be avoiding it.
Are You Searching For Trail Camera Cover or Looking to Hunter Mature Bucks? Mock Scrapes May Be an Effective Strategy If so, Mock scrapes can provide an excellent means of holding deer long enough for an accurate shot at them – they don’t take nearly as long to construct as many hunters might believe either!