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Top Places to Catch Large Trout Fly Fishing in America - Hunting Note

Top Places to Catch Large Trout Fly Fishing in America

Whether you’re an experienced angler who grew up at the onset of the fly-fishing revolution or just a newbie, you must have a list of the best places to bag a trophy committed to memory. In case you’re looking for such spots, you’ve come to the right place. Sit back and relax as we delve into the deep to bring you the best places in America where you could bag a monster.

Pyramid Lake Nevada.

The pyramid is a popular spot characterized by the presence of the world’s largest cutthroat trout. Trout ranges in the category of around 10-15 lbs. There’s a high probability of bagging a trout well into the 20 lbs category as the population in these waters is massive. The average size of the cutthroats varies between 20-22 inches. Such potential makes Pyramid Lake one of the top destinations in fly trout fishing.

Roscoe New York

Nicknamed as Trout town, fishing enthusiast as wells as newbie’s are in for some exciting time. Located in the southwestern part of the Catskill Mountain, Roscoe takes the lead among the top trout fishing destination in the East. The area comprises of pristine rivers and rugged mountains. Notable fly fishers such as Rube Cross and Theodore Gordon were among the first pioneers who placed Roscoe on the map as the birthplace of America’s fly fishing.

West Yellow Stone Montana

Yellowstone’s Madison River comes across as the best fishing spot in Montana. The river originates from the convergence of the Fire hole and Gibbon River at the Yellowstone National Park. The Presence of Hebgen Lake also provides a fantastic fishing opportunity during the fall when the Brown trout travels upstream to spawn, leading to a tremendous large amount of trout in the river.

You may also like: Fly Fishing Hat To Keep You Cool On Water.


Still in Montana, Missoula comes across as a Laid-back town. However, when it comes down to fly fishing, it should not be underrated. Fly fishing is quite a huge deal here. There exist options. If the Bitter root doesn’t work for you, you can always head up to the Black foot river. Maybe the Rock Creek or the Clark Fork River would be in your best interest. Whichever the choice, you’re guaranteed to have a wonderful time. Different species of trout exist in the bodies of water that flow through Montana.

Glenwood Springs Colorado

Roaring Fork and the Colorado River provides a natural habitat for a vibrant population of Rainbows, Brookies, Cutthroat and Brown species of trout. Known as Colorado’s land of water, Glenwood Springs exhibits abundant springs and is the source of Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers. The presence of Gold Medal water pristine waterways and the Great Outdoors scenery makes Glenwood springs among one of the sought after fishing destination. Whether looking to explore the basics or a seasoned fly fishing pro, Glenwood Springs is the place to be.

State College Pennsylvania

It holds the record of being the best keystone state fishing destinations where fishing enthusiasts and anglers are sure to have a happy time wallowing in 216 miles of trout infested waters. Trout isn’t the only fish. Bass, catfish, and perch are also abundant. Some of the best fishing sites around the area include; Spring Creek, Bald Eagle, and Penn’s Creek.

Mountain Home Arkansas

Thanks to the White and the Norfolk Rivers that run through the area, one is bound to catch a big thirty-pound non-migratory brown trout. Fishing goes on all year round. Some of the notable places to go fishing is at the Gaston Fishing Resort. Trout in these rivers remain active since the water temperature remains constant all year round.

Ashville North Carolina

Ashville comes across as one of the best areas with mountain streams to catch large trout. The fisher’s quest for brook trout, also known as brookies and their brown trout cousins, leads them to rivers and streams up the mountains of North Carolina that rank as some of the best when it comes to fly fishing. The trout streams that courses down the Appalachian Mountains provide some of the most picturesque and relaxing views to complement one’s fishing escapades. One can also supplement their fishing with various activities such as camping, picnic, and bird watching. Avid fishers who are also ardent mountain bikers can hike the mountains to get access to more remote fishing sites.

South Holston Tennessee

The area boasts as one of the best trout fishing sites in the East of the United States. The South Holston River from the South Holston dam provides cold waters all year round that ensure the right fishing conditions throughout the year. The river boasts of a population of about 8500 plus trout, a majority of them being wild and naturally reproducing. 85% of the population makes for wild brown trout while 15% makes for the Rainbow trout. There is also a thriving small population of rainbow trout. The rivers remain a secret to many but are gaining popularity when it comes to fly fishing. Soon, they will be in the big leagues of rivers such as Big Horn and Madison Rivers.

Redding California

This area boasts of its leaping Rainbow trout from the Mccloud River. Further to this, the Sacramento River, which is arguably the largest trout river in California, can also be found here. For the more experienced anglers, you can head out to Fall River and the Hat Creek. These two springs have one of the most demanding trout that can only be handled by experts. It’s not for the faint-hearted.

Green River Utah

The river flows into the Flaming Gorge Reservoir and holds a high population of the large rainbow and brown trout. Beware; fly fishing isn’t as easy as one might think in these waters. The estimated fish population falls in the category of around 20,000 per mile within the first seven miles below the dam. The tailwater holds a lot of cutthroats, but one can still find some browns and rainbows if they exercise more patience.


The locations outlined above are just some of the well-known areas for fly fishing. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t other favorite spots. It all depends on one’s individual preference, their budget, and the type of fly fishing they enjoy. America’s waters boast of around twenty-one species of trout. Very few fishermen boast of having caught all of them. What’s the hold-up! Happy fishing, folks.

About the Author

I'm Rodney Heaton and I love hunting in the wild. In the past, I was in the military for over 5 years. After that I became a licensed hunter and a mountain guide.