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Learn to Goose Call - Hunting Note

Learn to Goose Call

Learn the art of goose calling and you will have an invaluable asset for open water season. There are various kinds of calls, but short reed calls tend to work best due to their loud volume and aggressive nature.

Bierle suggests using the two-syllable word ga-wick to emulate a Canada goose honk and then gradually adding in various sounds such as cluckings and moans.

How to Make a Goose Call

One of the initial steps of becoming a goose caller is gathering all of the necessary equipment, such as camo and decoys. Furthermore, knowing how to blow a goose call properly is also crucial; your blow will affect its quality, potentially making or breaking a hunt, particularly when trying to lure waterfowl closer. In particular, you must avoid making too loud a call as this may reverberate around the water surface and alarm birds; also try changing up your tone for more natural sounding calls that can attract geese closer.

Goose calls can be more complex to tune than duck calls, requiring time and experimentation before finding their ideal sound. There are three factors that influence goose call sound: barrel dimensions, keg dimensions and gut/reed combo – with the latter contributing a lot of sound itself; its pitch can be altered either through wedge assembly adjustments or alteration to its length.

Remember that success as a goose caller does not lie solely with quality but more with frequency and timing of sound production. Playing the right sounds at the right times can draw birds in, leading to successful hunting expeditions. Waterfowl hunters commonly employ multiple calls when hunting; experimenting with various combinations may prove most helpful when making calls during specific hunts.

Cory Dukehart of Mossy Oak ProStaff fame demonstrates how to set up a goose decoy spread for hunting. He highlights the use of both full body and silhouette decoys as well as which patterns attract geese best. Furthermore, Cory provides tips for making basic goose calls as well as ways to develop them further into more effective callers.


Waterfowl hunters looking to improve their effectiveness on the pond, marsh or field require goose calls that sound natural and realistic in order to be most successful. While basic sounds like clucks, honks and moans may suffice, calling can also be used to target specific geese using call sequences or mimicking their vocalizations – thus the need for regular practice with quality equipment will help.

Duck calls tend to be constructed from acrylic or polycarbonate materials, while goose calls tend to be constructed out of wood or hybrid materials that provide durability while creating more of an authentic sound. When selecting the ideal material, your level of proficiency and budget should come into consideration.

Hunters who are just getting started may opt for an affordable polycarbonate goose call that still delivers impressive performance, giving them time to work out any kinks before investing in a durable acrylic model. Some manufacturers even provide premium instructional DVD’s or CD’s so hunters get maximum return from their investments; Zink Calls’ Power Pak Combo includes both this short-reed polycarbonate goose call as well as one hour of instruction from master waterfowl caller Fred Zink for under $45.

Longtime waterfowler and accomplished goose caller Steve Bierle has found one of the biggest obstacles for novice goose callers is improper hand position on their call. To achieve proper pressure on the reed and tone variations, both thumbs should use index fingers of both hands – this way allowing to vary tone and pitch variations as desired. He warns against overblowing or rushing their call as this may produce unnatural sounds that sound inconsistent or even off.

Beginners to goose calling may experience difficulty creating realistic feeding and roosting noises, however this can be overcome through consistent practice. Therefore, beginners should make time each week for calling practice so they become adept in producing different sounds to attract geese during hunts, ultimately leading to greater success on the field.


As daunting as the outdoor section may be, when browsing goose call models can be, remember that most of these calls follow similar basic principles – ensuring a full plate of goose pastrami for you and leaving an empty basket at home!

Selecting the ideal goose call begins with selecting a sound you would like to produce, such as fundamental and natural tones from geese. Beginners should begin with short reed goose calls that produce these fundamental and natural tones as an introduction. Other considerations for selecting an ideal call include its size, ease of operation and whether or not it produces different vocalizations of geese.

Once a hunter masters short-reed goose calls, it is time to move onto more advanced sounds such as clucking, honking and moaning – learning these basics will quickly help hunters progress until they’re attracting birds in no time!

Pay attention to the tone of the goose call you use as another way of honing your calling skills. A goose call with shorter inserts produces higher-pitched, louder vocalizations that travel farther in high traffic areas while longer inserts can produce deeper, throatier clucks and moans. Furthermore, being able to adjust volume dial is key if you want to attract geese flocks; too loud or too soft sounds could send them flying for safety and cause them to bypass your spread entirely.

Decoy selection in your goose spread can have a direct effect on its effectiveness. A too-full spread could make geese feel uncomfortable and disengage with their call; thus leading them away. A minimalist approach would allow for plenty of movement as well as landing spots for them.


Goose calls are essential tools for anyone hunting geese. While it is possible to lure geese within shooting range without using calls, mastering goose calls adds realism and excitement to any hunt as well as increasing chances of closer shots and ultimately winning one.

Prioritize etiquette and safety when calling geese. This includes respecting other hunters as well as following proper firearm safety precautions, as well as not disturbing residents or wildlife in public areas. In addition, make sure your decoys don’t interfere with nearby aircraft or roads by positioning them so as not to interfere with flight paths or roads.

Multiple callers may exert greater attraction over a flock of geese than one individual alone, as goose cackles can often sound similar and the birds could easily mistake one caller over the other. To minimize this effect, synchronize calling cadences between callers and avoid piling notes one atop another.

Learning how to make sounds with a goose call requires gradually introducing air, performing basic clucks and honks and then moving onto more advanced techniques like the spit note. Doing this will enable you to produce realistic goose sounds and increase your odds of landing a successful shot.

When goose are approaching or coming in for landing, use loud, continuous honks, clucks and moans as calls in order to attract their attention. Once they turn toward you spread, switch over to quieter “ground talk” calls that mimic their murmurs and moans when on land.

Geese are known to raise their heads into sentry positions when sensing danger or seeing other hunters nearby, hissing an alarm call to alert predators and humans of their presence and keep away from eggs or young. Additionally, this signal warns them when geese are about to land so it should be approached cautiously.

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