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How to Call a Squirrel - Hunting Note

How to Call a Squirrel

An effective squirrel call is an invaluable asset to hunters of all skill levels. You can use it to locate squirrels, calm nerves and encourage them to come closer.

Squirrels generally live within their “home range”, which varies based on environmental conditions and available resources.


Squirrels use noises and sounds to communicate with each other, other animals, and people; they also emit sounds as warning signals against predators approaching their territory and food sources.

Squirrel noises vary in pitch, speed and frequency according to their situation. A squeaking sound might signal excitement or fear; while chirping could indicate curiosity or frustration.

When hearing another squirrel bark, they often perceive this as an attack and retreat into themselves, creating fearful reactions in them and may try to escape further away from it. If you hear one barking near your home or somewhere nearby, take caution not to chase away or approach too closely, since doing so could frighten it off and even potentially harm it.

Adult squirrels make various noises to communicate with other squirrels and wildlife, but are particularly well known for chattering their teeth at predators. Baby squirrels also often make this noise to communicate with their parents.

A squirrel may employ various communication strategies, including chirping, wagging its tail and stomping its feet. Anger signals may also be used as means of showing aggression against other squirrels or predators.

Red squirrels will produce screech-and-rattling sounds when protecting their territory from intruders, in order to alert intruders that the squirrel is present and ready to attack if they continue trespassing on its space.

Numerous species of bush squirrels communicate among themselves using clicks, trills, and alarm barks – often in response to predators; although certain species also use seets and seet-barks.

American red squirrels communicate when they detect a predator by emitting three types of alarm calls: whistles, chirps and seet-barks. Whistles and chirps alert other squirrels of aerial predators while seet-barks provide protection from terrestrial threats.

Other species, like the giant forest squirrel, employ non-vocal “chuffing” sounds in addition to loud vocal barking and whining noises as warning signals against predators or rival squirrels.


As with many creatures, squirrels have an assortment of noises they use to communicate amongst themselves and with predators. Their voices include chatters, barks, whistles and screams which serve as alarm signals when threatened.

Squirrels make noise when they become excited, which can help you locate them in the woods. In many instances, using simple contented calls may help relax or calm a squirrel after having scared it away with too close stalking or taking shots may spook it further away from safety.

Bellows-type calls are one of the best ways to attract squirrels. Most available squirrel calls, like Sure-Shot Game Calls Squirrel Call, feature dark walnut construction with an electronic bellows actuator to produce barks, excited chatter and distress calls that attract wildlife.

Cutter calls are another way of calling squirrels; these resemble the noise made when chewing nuts by squirrels. Once you’ve startled one and it has gone back into its hole in a tree, wait approximately 10 minutes and use your cutter call to lure it back out into the woods.

When angry squirrels become frustrated they often emit an abrupt, staccato bark as an act of challenge or to prove dominance over other males in the territory.

Squirrels will emit alarm calls if they detect snakes or large birds nearby, to draw in other squirrels who can assist them in attacking these threats. This alarm call can serve to attract others of their species into helping the original individual take care of destroying it.

As they pursue mating, male squirrels will make an incipient buzz to signal to female squirrels that they wish to mate with them. This signifies their desire for mating.

Squirrels not only communicate through vocalizations, but they can also use tail language (sometimes known as tail etiquette ) for nonverbal interaction between themselves – it is just as complex.

Squirrels are highly intelligent creatures, and able to communicate in numerous ways among themselves. Furthermore, these social animals spend much of their time together keeping watch for one another and discussing potential dangers that might threaten them all.


Squirrels communicate with one another in different ways. Their language includes chatters and barks as well as lesser-known techniques like whistling or squealing.

When a squirrel feels threatened, they often make a distress call to inform other squirrels of the situation. This squeal is typically coupled with excited barks or chatters but may also be heard alone.

A squirrel whistle is an innovative device developed by Arkansas squirrel hunters to simulate the sound made by young squirrels threatened by predators.

To create the whistle sound, first draw back your lips and lower jaw slightly, pulling your lower lip slightly toward the corners of your mouth while pushing back your teeth as far as possible. This action mimics what one would do if kissing back of hand; and will create a sound similar to a squeal.

First, draw back your tongue so it floats just in front of the lower front teeth but remains outside the airstream a little bit. Remember this is a gentle movement; you should not experience discomfort or pain during this step.

Once the tongue has been pushed back slightly, you should push it further forward while pressing an index and middle fingertip against either side of your mouth to bring closer the corners of your mouth, creating an audible squeal resembling that of a squirrel whistle.

Make the sound of grey and fox squirrels as well as baby ones using a whistle, along with baby squirrels! For added authenticity, mimic their distress cries using whistle blasts that sound similar to crying squirrels.

To achieve optimal results, it is best to practice with a whistle in different weather conditions. For instance, practicing after it has rained can produce more realistic whistles than at any other time during the year.


Squirrels use different sounds to communicate with other squirrels and predators. They use these sounds to alert other squirrels when they are in danger or dissuade predators.

Common sounds made by squirrels include barks, screams and chirps – these sounds serve as alarm signals and help the animal survive in its native environment.

Gray squirrels use vocalizations to communicate among themselves and warn off predators, or signal for mating with another squirrel.

Common sounds made by squirrels include kuks and quaas, sharp alarm barks. These calls may sound similar to screaming and are the primary form of squirrel noise found in nature.

Quaas are longer than kuks and have higher pitches, used primarily to alert other squirrels of potential aerial or terrestrial threats; they may also serve as alarm calls against predators that have been detected.

Squirrels may make an alarm-sound called a moan to warn off predators that are nearby. They may also let out an annoyed or scared cry to express themselves.

Other sounds they produce are chucks, whistles and soft notes. Chucks tend to be short and loud while whistles produce quieter tones.

Squirrels make noises that sound similar to them chewing on nuts like hickory and walnut, and mimicking this sound by running an edge of a popsicle stick down a wood screw’s threads will also do the trick.

First step to understanding how to call a squirrel is understanding its sounds; each sound means something different.

Eastern gray squirrels, for instance, have long been known to use rapid clicks and squeaks as a method of communication between themselves as well as to alert predators that they have entered their territory.

Red squirrels can emit high-pitched chatters and trills to communicate with one another.

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