Bobcats may come close to your calling sound and decoys, but will approach carefully while studying all aspects of their setup.
Many predator hunters suggest calling continuously for at least 30 minutes, to keep cats busy without risk of hang-ups caused by sequential calls.
The Basics
Bobcats are opportunistic predators that prey upon rodents, birds, small game, livestock and even livestock. Living in dense brush areas with thick underbrush or natural cover such as rocks outcroppings provides them with shelter; consequently they are very difficult to call into shooting range during daylight hours without extensive scouting and hard work from hunters; many may go their entire hunting careers without ever calling one in. But once it happens it can be one of the most rewarding & challenging predator hunting adventures ever!
Step one in finding bobcat trails is to locate an area with high concentrations of bobcat sign and an increased likelihood of tracking one down. Look for fresh feces, scat marks, tracks or any other indications that suggest the presence of a bobcat in recent times.
Once you’ve discovered an ideal spot, settle into your position and prepare to wait. Sit upright to break up your silhouette while using some form of camouflage or concealment to help blend in better; otherwise, remain as small and motionless as possible; only move your eyes; don’t speak. A bobcat will pick up on anything unusual that comes its way when stalking an caller-decoy combination.
Coyotes tend to come out quickly when hearing calls, while bobcats take longer. Therefore, careful scouting and smart stand selection is essential to successfully attracting these elusive predators.
Once you’ve established an effective area, begin calling with gusto. Bobcats tend to respond better to continuous rather than sequential sounds when listening for potential prey; stopping and starting calls gives too much time for thought and can put them off, while constant sounds keep their attention focused on moving forward – this is why many hunters opt for electronic callers rather than mouth calls with sequenced sounds.
Electronic Calls
Success for most hunters lies in thorough scouting and applying sound calling technique. Bobcats may be difficult to catch, but certain strategies can increase your odds of attracting one’s response.
First, identify an area with signs of bobcat activity. Signs like fresh feces trails, recent kill sites or rub marks from bobcats can indicate where their habitat may exist. Next, set yourself up in either a treestand or dark location with rocks outcrops to break your silhouette and prevent being seen by suspicious predators such as bobcats who tend to move slowly while crouching low in search of prey – thus drawing their attention quickly if any movement takes place – even eye movement is most effective rather than movements made elsewhere on their bodies!
As with coyote hunting, bobcat hunting takes longer. Plan on spending between 30 minutes to an hour calling at medium volume with Convergent’s Predator Pro app as an electronic call for easy use by hunters of all experience levels to produce consistent sounds such as several different bobcat calls as well as bird and rabbit distress noises.
Many bobcat hunters may be tempted to amp up the volume and rush their calls in order to attract a response, but this approach could prove fruitless. Bobcats are much more cautious animals that may be scared away by loud noises; thus making bobcat hunting even harder! Even worse, some species might become call-shy after encountering loud noises; eventually giving up and never returning back again!
Start calling out softly at first and gradually increase the volume until your voice reaches near a bobcat’s hearing range. Stop calling after each sequence for half a minute before continuing your efforts; this pattern should help keep its attention and encourage closer approaches by the cat.
Utilize predator sounds such as wolf howls to catch their attention and lure cats closer. Don’t forget the call of wrens; these small birds love chasing cats away with an exciting, almost chattering sound as soon as a bobcat nears your setup.
Mouth Calls
Coyotes usually respond quickly when called, taking just five minutes or so before appearing when called upon. But bobcats tend to be far more shy; it could take 30 or more minutes before one appears in open view upon hearing your calls.
Therefore, many hunters prefer using mouth calls when hunting bobcats. These devices allow hunters to control the volume of their calling, an essential skill needed for predator hunting. Furthermore, these mouth calls offer more diverse sounds than electronic callers such as basic yelps, fluttering bird calls, and aggressive growls.
Your choice of mouth call will depend on both your experience level and type of hunting you do. For novice predator hunters, simple double-cut calls such as Strut Commander Loud Mouth are great starting places. With one reed that features straight cuts and tapered frames for ease of use, these calls make learning the ropes simple. However, advanced hunters might prefer diaphragm calls with multiple reeds offering various sound possibilities for a wider variety of sounds options.
As you practice using a mouth call, pay close attention to its pitch and tone. Too high or harsh may scare away cats while too soft or quiet could result in them passing by unseen.
Keep in mind that bobcats possess exceptional hearing and eyesight; they will hear your calls even if buried under brush or hanging off of trees. Therefore, when calling cats it’s essential to thoroughly scan your surroundings first before trying to coax one into coming closer.
Keep in mind that bobcats can often become “call-shy.” Calling out in the same area repeatedly could cause them to stop responding to your calls, so a good way to ensure success when hunting bobcats is moving around and avoiding spots you have called before; this will prevent cats from becoming “call-shy” and give you a greater chance of successfully finding and calling in predators.
Bobcats are versatile predators that will eat almost anything they come across, which means using various calls in your hunting setups will attract these predators more effectively. Cottontail distress, jackrabbit distress and bird calls will do the trick; for added realism consider selecting one with plenty of motion; this way they won’t miss your setup!
When calling bobcats, patience is of utmost importance. The cat will hone in on the sound of your call and gradually approach, slowly creeping closer and slowly watching both you and your decoy until finally appearing and then quickly returning into cover again. This stalk can often take more than 30 minutes with only occasional visits from this cat appearing briefly before quickly vanishes back into cover again.
Daytime bobcat calling differs significantly from its night-time counterpart, so it’s crucial that hunters understand both strategies. For daytime calling, try finding an area with evidence of past cats – this might include fresh feces or signs that the cat used this area as its path through it.
After finding an area with sufficient cover, choose an ideal spot. A treestand or brushy area provide ideal hiding places. Once settled into your setup, remain still and only move your eyes; any sudden movements could alarm a bobcat who sees everything and could disrupt its hunt.
Start calling with low volumes and gradually raise them until full volume is reached. Sequenced calls that start out loud before becoming quiet for some seconds is best used, giving bobcats time to respond before becoming alarmed by your calling. After several sequences have passed you may begin gradually increasing volume until it reaches an acceptable volume level so the animal will respond more regularly.