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How Should You Hold the Bow When Shooting? - Hunting Note

How Should You Hold the Bow When Shooting?

How you hold your bow can have an enormous impact on its accuracy, so be sure to keep your hand completely relaxed from when you start drawing until your arrow hits its target.

If your grip is tight, this could create a great deal of torque within your body – something which may negatively impact accuracy.


At the core of any successful bow shooting is how your hand positions itself on the bow. An improper grip may lead to unintended torque which in turn causes missed shots and poor consistency.

When holding the bow, your thumb should be placed directly over the center of the bow limbs so that the bow will bind off its meat without creating excessive tension on its limbs. Your other fingers should remain loosely attached but unimpeded from interfering with your grip on the bow.

Be sure to adjust your bow arm elbow in an upward and forward direction, to allow your hand to return to its anchor point while remaining stable in your hand. Achieving this position also facilitates proper follow-through – an essential factor of consistent shooting.

Olympic archers all possess relaxed grips when holding their bows, knowing that a tight grip would prevent them from drawing the bow efficiently. A good way to test your grip is to open your hand and press various areas of the palm with your fingertips until a small area emerges in which your knuckles have set at a downward angle of about 45 degrees and this area should be where you press into when shooting your bow.

Make sure that when shooting your bow in bone-to-bone position, your bow is centered over your face for maximum consistency and avoid body movements as these may also create inconsistency; whether leaning forward or tilting back can affect where the arrow travels as it leaves your bow.


There are various methods for holding a bow, but no matter which way you decide to go about it, it’s essential that certain principles be kept in mind. One is making sure the bow is held centered when shooting; this will prevent wobbling during shooting and ensure accuracy. Secondly, ensure you do not grip it too tightly as that could reduce accuracy significantly.

Keep in mind when using the bow that it should be held by using your fingers instead of palm. Many make the mistake of gripping too tightly thinking this will improve their accuracy; in reality it actually worsens it and makes them more inaccurate.

If you need assistance learning how to hold the bow properly, professional guidance may be able to assist. They will show different techniques that may work better for you and assist in practicing for increased accuracy.

A good bow grip should be firm yet not tight; otherwise it could cause your bow to twist too tightly and ruin your shot. To prevent this from happening, always aim for an easier grip by maintaining an unsteady handshake with the bow.

Be sure to establish an anchor point, too. An anchor point is where your index finger on your bow hand rests when drawing back the string to shoot; this is also where the arrow will be released for flight. Every time you shoot, this spot must remain unchanged so as to maintain consistency in your shots.

To achieve the ideal grip, it is necessary to position your index finger along the edge of the riser and push down on your thumb with enough force that all pressure is exerted on its base instead of onto your knuckles. This will ensure a secure hold.


When holding the bow, make sure your feet are shoulder width apart to ensure your arrow goes in a straight line towards its target and doesn’t deviate either way. Furthermore, relax your grip as tightening too much might seem to help improve shooting accuracy; but this actually causes tension and compromises accuracy instead. So remember to place it lightly onto the bow instead and relax it accordingly.

Bow hand knuckles should be positioned downward at an approximately 45-degree angle and fingers should lightly grasp bow grip without strangulating it. A common misstep when positioning bow grip is positioning thumb so vertical “thumbs up”, increasing chances of string slap while failing to focus pressure adequately.

Opting to use both index finger and thumb to grip your bow can provide consistent, steady pressure on its grip. But be wary not to cross the lifeline directly in front of the bow grip, as doing so will increase hand torque that may interfere with arrow flight.

An anchoring technique to enhance consistency and accuracy when shooting bow is using your thumb to anchor it against the arrow shelf, just below your bow grip, pushing forward on that shelf with your thumb to anchor your arrow and pulling back on its string with all of your fingers to draw it in a smooth manner. Once an arrow is secured to an anchor point, pressurize its limbs with pressure from your fingers so it will draw string evenly and consistently.

After your elbow and shoulder have found their natural positions when shooting the bow, make sure that your elbow and shoulders are in an ergonomic stance when shooting it. Some people have difficulty getting their shoulders into an optimal spot which can hinder arrow trajectory. To solve this issue, practice in an easy, relaxed stance until mastery of basics has been attained; once this has been accomplished then move onto more advanced techniques and expand your shooting skills as a shooter.

Anchor Point

To allow a bow to bend forward and release an arrow, it requires an anchor point – this pressure point created by your hand on the bow grip is essential in creating this anchor point before shooting. Unfortunately, many archers make the mistake of tightening their grip too tightly which causes tension which decreases accuracy; to prevent this scenario from occurring you should ensure that both hands are relaxed while their position does not cause torque in any way.

To achieve an ideal anchor point, it’s important to position the web of your palm against the bow grip with its pressure point lining up with the center of the grip. Also ensure your index finger points downwards; and apply some slight pressure onto the riser if not using a sling sling; finally relax all other fingers so they can hold on firmly but without strangulating it.

By creating an anchor point for your bowshot, this will prevent muscles in your hand, wrist and forearm from interfering with the process of bending back your bow and releasing its arrow. Achieving this requires discipline and practice – once achieved you will be able to shoot consistently with your bow!

Your thumb should meet your index finger. This spot will serve as the anchor point for your nocking hand and it is important that it remains consistent in order for bow bending to take place smoothly.

When it comes to aiming, it is key that your head remains in the appropriate place. Be sure that your torso is vertical and parallel to the arrow and do not lean to either side – any lean could affect accuracy as well as be an indicator that your bow has too much draw weight.

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