Acquiring clean water in Fallout 4 can be challenging, and settlements have become picky about what they drink. This mod streamlines this process by creating water purifiers you can install at settlements.
These can produce large quantities of purified water which can be used to heal players without incurring RAD penalties, or sold back to vendors for extra bottlecaps. To make this work efficiently, perks that improve scrapping and bartering should be employed.
Water Purifier – Small
Fallout 4 provides multiple water purifiers, each producing different quantities and requiring different amounts of power to function. To activate one, it must be placed within your settlement walls and connected to an appropriate generator – regardless of its size.
Crafting regular water pumps and placing them around any body of water inside a settlement, or by using the Wasteland Workshop DLC to build one is one way of creating these generators. Although less effective than industrial or powered water pumps, crafting these requires far fewer resources and doesn’t require perk unlocks; plus they can even be placed in dirt rather than water without necessarily needing to be placed near settlement walls.
Generators produce large volumes of clean water every 24 hours, which will then be stockpiled as Purified Water at the settlement’s workshop and sold quickly at good rates to vendors. When combined with scrappers, strong backs, cap collectors, and local leaders you could potentially generate thousands of caps daily using this technique alone!
Water purifiers offer an additional bonus by lowering radiation levels of any dirty water poured into them, making them especially helpful for players with low levels and limited inventory space. Unfortunately, however, they cannot completely solve this problem since even clean water may still contain radioactive particles that contaminate it.
The industrial water purifier is the most potent of these three, capable of supplying your entire settlement with clean drinking water. Its production rate is twice that of its smaller counterpart and construction requires two rubber, two gears, one ceramic tile, two copper wires and 10 steel bars; its location can be found by searching vault 111’s Overseer’s terminal.
Once installed, this water source will supply your settlement with enough freshwater to last several days – any excess is stored as purified water in the settlement workbench; you should clear this out regularly in order to continue getting new supplies.
Water Purifier – Industrial
Fallout 4 presents an extreme wasteland environment where fresh drinking water may not be easy to come by; to ensure your settlers have plenty of clean drinking water you must assign some settlers the task of producing it and keep an adequate supply on hand at all times. Without enough manpower available this task may become time-consuming, leaving less settlers available for other work assignments.
Water purifiers in settlement workshops can provide a viable solution to this problem, producing large volumes of clean water for your settlers. Small and Industrial water purifiers require two power each; while Powered Water Pumps require four. All three require various materials – three rubber, two gears and one ceramic generator require different sizes while larger generators require up to ten steel. Pump production rates tend to be much lower but require far fewer materials and don’t have to be placed near bodies of water for operation.
Water pumps not only serve settlers well, they can also generate extra bottlecaps each time they fill up. You can use their purified water for healing HP with no RAD penalty and/or sell it back to vendors at six caps a can or higher.
Although Fallout 4 provides many methods for replenishing caps quickly (such as raiding Vault 88), setting up an industrial water farm is one of the easiest and most reliable solutions to ensure that there is always clean water available for settlements or yourself. Although initially expensive, water farms provide an unlimited source of clean water that could provide plenty of settlement supplies or personal use.
Building several pumps and water purifiers at various settlements may also produce more ‘purified water’ than you need, provided their combined output exceeds what’s needed by their residents. If this occurs, surplus quantities will be regularly sent back into your workshop inventory subject to certain caps.
Water Purifier – Medium
Water purifiers can be extremely helpful items in the game, particularly when making large sums of caps. While getting many Caps may prove challenging in the early game, having the appropriate setup makes it relatively straightforward to generate large amounts on an ongoing basis – potentially several thousand caps each week! Just ensure adequate defenses around any areas where extensive farming activities take place as raiders will try their luck at looting it all away!
To maximize its use, it’s best to deploy your water purifier in an area with a large population number. That way, it will provide clean water to everyone living there and can even sell excess distilled water to merchants in Diamond City for additional bottlecaps – this is an effective way to quickly make some cash while honing your barter skill!
Fallout 4’s regular water pump produces only three purified units for settlements, yet requires significantly less power and crafting materials than industrial and powered ones, not necessitating placement near bodies of free water; unlike its two rivals it can even be located anywhere that dirt exists within a settlement.
Vault 88 holds an even larger water purifier workshop, but before you can gain entry you must clear its East Sector first and build generators before activating it. A water purifier can be an invaluable asset to any settlement, greatly increasing chances of finding and securing rare radiated water chips.
Immersive Water Purification mod is an effective way of making access to clean drinking water more difficult, forcing settlements to manage their own production and assign settlers as necessary to work on its system. Keep in mind that as population of your settlement increases, more workers must be assigned as such, thus decreasing your available manpower for other jobs.
Water Purifier – Large
Fallout 4 makes water an indispensable resource, whether they find it as drops on the ground or purchase it from vendors in settlements for Bottlecaps. Having access to more water means more chances for healing between fights or ganks; however, getting enough clean water without using a pump or scavenging is often challenging.
Water purifiers come to the rescue when creating clean drinking water in workshops and settlements. There are three sizes of purifiers – Small, Medium and Large. Their differences lie in terrain requirements, power usage and maximum storage capacities.
This Small Water Purifier does not need access to bodies of water to work effectively and produces 12 Pure Water per hour at the cost of 8 energy, with maximum storage capacity for 2. It makes an excellent addition for those living away from lakes or rivers.
The Medium Water Purifier does not need access to any body of water for its operation, yet can still produce up to 30 Pure Water per hour at the cost of 10 power and has an maximum storage capacity of 5. This solution is an ideal choice for communities that demand an abundance of clean drinking water in their communities.
Both the Small and Medium Water Purifiers can be added to any settlement. To produce Purified Water in their settlements, however, one working water pump and five drinkable items from their inventory (excluding dirty water and alcohol ) must exist (at minimum). Without sufficient amounts of clean drinking water available within a settlement’s borders, its production will cease.
Radiation Removal Stations offer an alternative for those who do not wish to install purifiers within their settlement, without needing power sources or water for operation. Not only can these stations filter water but they can also serve as radiation shields and provide radiation protection.