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Factors To Consider When Buying A Hunting Scope - Hunting Note

Factors To Consider When Buying A Hunting Scope

Even if you are already an excellent shot, using a rifle scope can improve your accuracy. There are a lot of different types of scopes out there to choose from ranging from safari and mid-range scopes to tactical scopes and varmint scopes.

One factor that comes into play when determining the correct scope for you is the type of hunting that you plan on doing. The information below is designed to make the decision-making process easier by providing you with some helpful tips on what to consider when buying a rifle scope for hunting.

Dials To Adjust The Elevation And Windage

High-quality hunting scopes come with a turret, which is a special dial that is used to adjust the windage. Moving the dial gives the shooter the ability to adjust the impact point of the bullet to the left or right. Elevation dials work in much the same way. The primary difference is that they are used to adjust the impact point of the bullet up or down.

Adequate Eye Relief

One of the worst things that can happen to any hunter is to get hit in the eyebrow with a scope when shooting. That is why it is essential to look for a rifle scope that has plenty of eye relief. This is particularly important if you are shooting a high-caliber rifle since the recoil on these guns tends to be a lot harder. A good rule of thumb is to look for a scope that has an eye relief that measures a minimum of three inches.

A Closer Look At Reticles

Years ago, people used the term crosshairs to refer to reticles. Today, however, they are quite a bit different than they were in the past. Many modern scopes incorporate reticles in popular styles including the dot, duplex, bullet drop compensated, and illuminated styles.

When it comes to reticles, it is just a matter of deciding which type you prefer. All of the styles are effective. It really comes down to which one you are the most comfortable using. No matter what style you choose, you should look for one that includes an adjustment for parallax errors.

Improve Accuracy By Choosing A Scope That Corrects Parallax Errors

When choosing a scope, it is important to look for one that allows you to adjust for parallax errors. You can identify these errors by moving your eyes while looking through your scope. If the reticle moves when you move your eyes, you have a parallax error that needs to be corrected.

In essence, the parallax adjustment allows you to ensure that the target and the reticle are on the same focal plane. When the error is corrected, you can move your eyes all you want and your reticle will stay in the same place.

Rifle Scopes For Safari Hunting

The best rifle scopes for safari hunting have a variable, low-power design. These scopes make it easy to zero in on big animals without having to get too close to them.

Rifle Scopes For Varmint Hunting

It goes without saying that you need a completely different scope and rifle for varmint hunting than you do for safari hunting. If you are planning on shooting varmint, you should look for a scope in the 6 1/2 to 20 range. The scope itself should have side focus. Choosing a scope with these options will allow you to maintain accuracy even when shooting at small targets thanks to the higher level of magnification that they provide.

Rifle Scopes For Hunting Big Game

Mid Range rifle scopes are by far the most popular option. They are well suited to hunting large animals like deer and elk. Ideally, you should look for a variable scope in the 3 1/2 to 10 range.

Using a hunting scope will naturally improve your accuracy since it eliminates the need to make sure that the rear and front sights are perfectly lined up before shooting. As long as you choose your rifle scope wisely, it can vastly improve your hunting skills by making it much easier to take clear, accurate shots.

About the Author

I'm Rodney Heaton and I love hunting in the wild. In the past, I was in the military for over 5 years. After that I became a licensed hunter and a mountain guide.