How to Choose a Scope For Savage 220

The Savage 220 is one of the most popular bolt-action rifles on the market. With a large bolt handle and tough shock, it’s one of the most comfortable guns to shoot. But it’s essential to make sure that you are choosing the right scope. There are lots for you to pick from. But they aren’t all created equal. Here are some tips you can use to find the right scope for your Savage 220.

1.      Find the Right Amount of Magnification

One of the most important elements for you to determine is the amount of magnification you will require. This can depend on the way that you plan on using the gun. When thinking about this, keep in mind that the Savage 220 is a short-range weapon. It will be very effective at 100 yards. But, the farther you get from the target the more unreliable the weapon becomes. Because of this, it’s best to stick to a magnification of between two to four.

You’ll also need to think about whether you want a fixed or adjustable magnification. The fixed scope will be cheaper. But the ability to change your magnification can make it easier to hit the target.

2.      Adjustability

You should be able to adjust the scope easily. This will make it simple for you to dial in on a target. Most scopes will give you a few tools that make it easier for you to adjust them. For example, you might be able to record the windage. This will give you a better idea of how far to the left or right the wind will blow the bullet. You can also adjust the sight up and down, to match the elevation.

3.      Waterproofing

You will likely encounter some poor conditions when you are shooting. Because of this, you will need to find a scope that will be able to deal with bad weather. Usually, this means choosing something that will be sealed with an O-ring. This will stop water from getting into the scope. It can often be a good idea to use a nitrogen purged scope. This will stop the lens from fogging up in wet weather.

4.      Lens Coating

You’ll need to consider the lens coating. This will determine how easy it will be for you to see the target. It’s best to opt for a lens that uses a multi-coating. This will reflect the light for a clearer image. This will make it easier for you to hunt in low-light conditions.

5.      Durability

When you’re buying a scope, you want to make sure that it will be able to last for a long time. You need to find a scope that will be able to take a few bumps and continue to function properly. It will need to be made of strong materials, to stop it from getting dented.

6.      Battery Life

Some scopes will be powered by batteries. This can include a light, so you’ll be able to see the target in low-light conditions. If this is the case, you should know how long the battery will last. This will let you know whether you need to pack a spare set of batteries for the trip.

7.      Scope Receptacle

The next thing that you’ll need to consider is the type of scope receptacle you will be using. This is your aiming method. Your style of shooting and choice of targets will inform which one is right for you. Generally, there are a few types that you can use. First, you can use a duplex. This has a crosshair pattern. This is a good choice for hunting. You can also choose to use a Bullet Drop Compensator (BDC). This can be a good option for long-range shooters.

8.      Eye Relief

This is how close you will need to place your eye to the scope when you are aiming and shooting.  You should aim to have around three to four inches of eye relief. This ensures that the recoil won’t bruise your eyes.

9.      Read the Reviews

If you want to get a good lens, you should look at what everyone else is using. Most experienced hunters will have used several lenses in their time. They will have a good understanding of what you should be using and which ones you should try to avoid. Online forums can be a good way to get some of their insights. It’s also a good idea to read through the reviews for each prospective scope. This will give you a good idea of what the good and bad points are.


A rifle is only as good as its scope. If you want some more suggestions, and to check out what is available, check out this list of scopes for Savage 220. Hopefully, you’ll be able to use these tips to find the ideal scope for you.

About the Author

I'm Rodney Heaton and I love hunting in the wild. In the past, I was in the military for over 5 years. After that I became a licensed hunter and a mountain guide.