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How to Choose a Recurve Bow - Hunting Note

How to Choose a Recurve Bow

Whether you’re a pro or a beginner, investing in the right archery equipment can save you a lot of money in the long term. This is especially so if you plan to participate in the sport regularly.

However, for beginners, choosing the right product can be a daunting task, which is why many beginners choose equipment that doesn’t match their size, weight, or the purpose for which they are purchasing the bow. Therefore, taking a beginner’s archery course can prepare you mentally for what you would require when buying a recurve bow.

Choosing a Recurve Bow

When choosing a recurve bow for beginners, consider your draw length and its impacts on the device. The height of the recurve bow should be similar to your draw length plus another 40 inches. All archery equipment comes with instructions, making it easier to determine if the one you like matches your stature.

The next move is to work out a budget before going to the store or ordering online, as confusion could set in when all the more expensive brands and styles catch your eye. Make a precise calculation of the items you’ll need, which would be a recurve bow, similar to those they use in the Olympics. That type of bow needs the following accessories:


Place the most emphasis on the riser. A riser is the core area that the bow is built around and will last you for years if you invest in a good one. Going into a store to get a feel of the rise will help you choose one that matches your height and weight, plus you get to test them out even if you decide to buy online.

There are different types of risers, made of wood, metal, or carbon, with the wood and carbon being lighter and requiring more stability. The aluminum, on the other hand, is rugged. Wooden options are limited, and most traditional shooters choose them while aluminum and carbon utilize are more innovative.


Strings have numerous lengths, fabrics, and densities to match your recurve bow. Make sure that the string is the right length. Try to get a tied nocking point instead of brass for the longevity of the finger tab and string. There are many colors to choose from, but most archers go with white, particularly the professionals.


Beginners will mature from their first set of limbs in less than a year. Therefore, begin with the cheaper ones. Choose a weight close to the one you previously used when choosing the next set of limbs. The limb weight range for most adults is 18 to 32.


The sight is as important as the riser, so invest in a quality one. The cheaper sights disintegrate quickly and are often difficult to adjust. The refined sight is made with durable material and comes with micro-adjustable components. A strong sight will last a long time.


Buttons and rests are essential. The button keeps the riser and arrow apart during the release of the arrow from the bow. Rests are accessible in plastic, fixed, or magnetic variations. Metal is the best choice for long term usage.


Most stabilization systems are good, so as a beginner, do not sweat it. The best ones will allow the shot to be balanced when the bow is released.
Beginners should choose a long rod and, over time, add v-bars.


According to Improved Archery, beginners should use aluminum arrows. Check the charts to determine which arrow spine will best suit you. The arrow sizes will change as you gravitate to more advanced limbs, and you can invest in better arrows then as well.

Choose colorful vanes for outdoor shooting and plastic ones, which are easy to repair. Don’t forget to grab extra nocks and fletchings in case your arrow needs to be repaired. Also, get a pair of finger tabs. They will be uncomfortable initially but are essential to help your fingers when shooting.

Overall, always do your research as a beginner. This will help you to save time and money, in addition to getting the right equipment. Above all, make sure to have fun.

About the Author

I'm Rodney Heaton and I love hunting in the wild. In the past, I was in the military for over 5 years. After that I became a licensed hunter and a mountain guide.