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How to Brew Coffee When Hunting: Know What You Have To Do - Hunting Note

How to Brew Coffee When Hunting: Know What You Have To Do

Love to explore the outdoors? There’s nothing like sipping a great cup of coffee right after a successful hunt, is there? Whether it’s for the caffeine or the simple aroma, a cup of coffee can definitely help you relax at a campsite.

However, without the luxury of having any electricity in the wild, making coffee becomes a tough call to make. You won’t be able to use the traditional automatic coffee maker while you are out. So, what to do in this situation?

To help you out, I’ll be telling you all about how to brew coffee when hunting. There are actually many ways to brew coffee without any source of heat or electricity. But it will all come down to your personal choice.

So, let’s dive right in, shall we?

Which Should Be Your Pick – Cold Brew or Hot Brew?

In both cases, the main difference is the brewing method. In case of the hot brew, you’ll have to use hot water to make the coffee. But for that, you would definitely need a source of heat to boil the water. Without a proper heating source, you won’t be able to make a decent hot brew.

If you are in a place where you can’t light a fire or use power in any way, you could use solar ovens. But if that is not an option, you would have to go for the cold brew.

Cold brew is the modern trend of making coffee now. It doesn’t really need much. You’ll only need coffee and a pot. But the main concern with this method is that it’s time-consuming. You would have to wait for at least overnight to extract the coffee.

That’s why if you want to have a cup of coffee in the morning you’ll need to start working on it from the previous night. You might think it’s a bit weird, but many people actually prefer this method over others.

Are you the hunters who love coffee? You should check this site http://www.dailycupo.com/

Ways to Brew Coffee When Hunting

Instant Coffee Mix

It might not offer the best of the best tastes regarding coffee, but it will definitely be something. When you are in the wild, you can’t be choosy. The instant coffee mix is the best solution you can get. They come in a packet, and you’d only have to add it up with hot water.

So, pack some of these packets when you go off hunting the next time.

Coldbrew Coffee

This is a bit different than typical cold brews you’ll find in coffee shops. If you can carry a thermos, then this coffee could be your best choice during a hunt. What you’ll have to do is to make the coffee at home and then carry it in the thermos.

Once you have a camping site, you’d only have to mix it with hot water to get the perfect hint coffee. To make this coffee, you’ll need to do the following steps at home:

  • First, mix up water and coarsely ground coffee. The mixture should be really strong. So, you’d have to mix four cups of coffee with four cups of water.
  • After that leave the mixture for at least twelve hours.
  • Then you would have to stain the coffee and get it into the thermos.
  • Once you reach your camp, you would need to boil one cup of water and then add your favorite amount of coldbrew with it and make a great cup of coffee.

It might be a little hard at the beginning, but you’ll get used to it. In case of a typical cold brew, you would have to use the make the brew at the campsite and then mix it with cold water to get the cold brew if you don’t have any hot water.

Read more about: How to use a Percolator for coffee while camping.

Cowboy Coffee

This coffee is a bit different but could be close to instant coffee. The main difference between instant and cowboy is that here the ground won’t fully dissolve. Might seem quite worse regarding taste but could be the best solution if you love strong coffee.

To make this you’d have to do:

  • Pour some water into a pot and boil the water on your camping fire.
  • After boiling, you’d have to remove it from heat and let it rest for 30 seconds.
  • Add up the coffee ground according to your taste and mix it up.
  • Stir it periodically and let it sit for some minutes.
  • You could add up a little cold water to make sure the coffee grounds are settled, but it’s optional you won’t have to do it.
  • Pour the coffee into the mug but make sure you don’t pour the grounds with it. If you have any kind of filter, it would be a definite plus point.

French Press Coffee

If you have the luxury to carry French Press Coffee, then this could be your lucky day. With this, you’ll be able to make a fine coffee for you to drink. The French press makes sure the coffee has a rich aromatic taste compared to filtered ones.

Using it is quite simple. Just follow the steps below:

  • Pour some water into a pot and boil the water on your camping fire.
  • Take your French press and remove the lid and plunger from it and add the coffee grounds in it. Add about 1-2 tablespoon for each cup.
  • After that, add up the hot water in it, but let it rest for 30 seconds before mixing it up.
  • Then pour the remaining water in and close the lid with the plunger pulled up.
  • Steep the coffee for a few minutes and after that use the plunger to pour it into the coffee mug.

Pourover Coffee

You’ll have to carry a pourover coffee dripper with you to brew the coffee in this way. These drippers are really easy to carry. To make this brew, you’d have to:

  • Pour some water into a pot and boil the water on your camping fire.
  • Use a filter inside the dripper and add up the grounds on it to fill half or 2/3 of it.
  • Then place the dripper on the coffee mug and pour hot water on it. Make sure to wet the grounds evenly.

In Short,

Brewing Coffee during a hunting session could be an enjoyable moment in the wild. You don’t usually get to enjoy this type of experience quite often. If you are a fan of coffee and can’t stay away for a single day, then you can definitely follow these brewing techniques to make your day.

The taste will vary regarding the technique, so pick one that goes with your style the most.


About the Author

I'm Rodney Heaton and I love hunting in the wild. In the past, I was in the military for over 5 years. After that I became a licensed hunter and a mountain guide.