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Best Features and Fundamentals of Laser Rangefinders - Hunting Note

Best Features and Fundamentals of Laser Rangefinders

During hunting or golfing, you need to know the accurate distance between you and the certain object. To get a precise target or location, it’s absolutely necessary. But how do you figure it out? Well, this is where laser rangefinders come into play.

The rangefinder is fully capable of figuring out the accurate distance within seconds! And with new technologies on the mix now you get more options to enjoy your hunt.

That’s why before you pick out a laser rangefinder, check out the features and fundamentals of laser rangefinder. To help you out, today I’ll be talking all about it.

So, let’s get started!

What Is a Laser Rangefinder?

First of all, let’s start with what the laser rangefinder really is. A laser rangefinder actually uses a laser beam to measure the distance of an object from you. Furthermore, it would use the time of flight principle and send out laser pulses.

But how does it calculate the distance? Well, it simply calculated the time it takes for the laser beam to reflect back to the sender.

So, in short, it’s quite simple mechanics.

How Do You Use a Rangefinder?

For starters, laser rangefinders aren’t that hard to operate. Once you take it in your hand, you’ll see how simple the operations can be. Usually, there’s one or two button for you to use. Mostly these are for range and mode.

Once you get a laser rangefinder, just take it in your hand, aim at the object and press the “range” button. That’s it! You’ll get the accurate distance within a few seconds.

However, make sure to keep a steady hand, as it uses a light beam to measure the distance. If you shake the device too much, it may lead to inaccuracy.

What Are The Different Types Of Laser Rangefinders?

From a tactical point of view, there are actually three types of laser rangefinders. Let’s see what they are

  • Golf Laser Rangefinder
  • Hunting Laser Rangefinder
  • Bow Hunting Laser Rangefinder

Golf Laser Rangefinder

Typically the rangefinders for golf are mainly equipped with different priority and features. In golf, you’d need to measure the exact distance of the flagstick. However, it also needs to find small objects at a greater distance. That’s why 6x-7x magnification is a must.

Another feature is the extended battery life. It offers good battery support because you will use it more frequently. Also, some golf laser rangefinders can measure the distance even in downhill or uphill.

Hunting Laser Rangefinder

The color scheme here is basically black or camo. Well, in hunting outdoors, you would need to be discrete as much as possible. So, using a flashy color in the woods would definitely stand out.

Thus, the use of dark color or camo ensures that the target can’t see you right away. Another important part of this laser rangefinder is that it would need to calculate the distance faster than golf.

Why? Well, in golf, the target doesn’t move, but in hunting the target would keep moving. In case of short or long range hunting, you need to pick out the magnification precisely. For short-range 4x is enough, in case of long-range the rangefinder can offer maximum 1000 yards. Only the best hunting rangefinder can offer all these benefits.

Bow Hunting Laser Rangefinder

If you are more into bow hunting, there are some cool laser rangefinder specifically made for that. These laser rangefinders can specially measure the distances for arrows. Additionally, you’ll be able to calculate just how much compensation your bow will have.

Another fact is that mostly these are water resistance and offers a short-range magnification.

Different Laser Rangefinder Modes

  • Primary Target Priority

In this one, you’ll measure the distance of the target that nearby, specifically for short distance targets.

  • Distant Target Priority

If your target is around the bushes or trees, it will ignore all of that and measure the distance of the object. Usually, when bushes or trees are in front of them, the primary target priority won’t work efficiently.

  • Scan Mode

This mode offers a continuous update of one of the multiple targets at once. All you have to do is to press the scan button on the rangefinder.

  • PinPointing Mode

This mode isn’t available in all rangefinders. However, it helps to pinpoint the object’s location and gives a more accurate distance measurement than other modes.

  • Rain/Fog Mode

In case of bad weather, the beam of light can’t travel accurately. For that, many rangefinders include fog mode that helps to measure the distance even in foggy weather.

  • Slope/Angle Compensation

In the case of slopes, it would adjust the distance accordingly. In hunting, this mode is really helpful.

Features Of The best Laser Rangefinder

  • Robust Build

No matter what the cost, a good laser rangefinder needs to have a robust build. So, that in bad environments, the device remains intact and doesn’t fall. Also, a robust build will ensure longer shelf life.

  • Target Priority

It needs to have target priority modes. Moreover, it should at least have primary and secondary target modes for a better hunt.

  • Power Source

Typically laser rangefinders are battery powered. If you are planning on going for a longer session, then longer battery life is a must. Also, rangefinders with USB recharging option can be the best feature too.

  • Horizontal Mode

The horizontal mode is basically for beginners. If you are a beginner, then rangefinders with horizontal mode will help you calculate angles as well.

  • Reticle

Reticles are necessary if you want to pinpoint the exact distance of the target. Moreover, it ensures a more convenient hunting session as well. There are different kinds of reticles; however, going with a red dot reticle is better because it’s easier to see than black ones.

  • Accessories

With rangefinders, you’ll get accessories as well. Straps, lanyard, or cases can go a long way in preserving your device. In short, good rangefinders always come with the best accessories in the market.

  • Warranty

Well, the best rangefinders would come from reputable companies. Moreover, having warranties would back you up in any condition.


Laser rangefinders are a handy tool when it comes to hunting or golfing. Not only it eases up your hunting session, but it also makes it more enjoyable. In this article, I’ve covered everything related to their fundamentals. So, now you should have a clear idea about what the features of the rangefinder are. So, why wait? Use the knowledge and pick the best one right now!


About the Author

I'm Rodney Heaton and I love hunting in the wild. In the past, I was in the military for over 5 years. After that I became a licensed hunter and a mountain guide.